The fight to seize a secret city within the city
লেখক: লতিফুল ইসলাম শিবলী
প্রকাশ: ২৯ জানুয়ারি ২০২১
Fiction based on fact.
The fight to seize a secret city within the city.
A soft-hearted, loving poet becomes a murderer, and a murderous gangster becomes merciful – only for love.
The war between two lovers to win a woman’s heart is spread throughout a city…
A city named Dhaka.
A city that is totally unknown to the world.
A city where there is a dark world full of unknown faces, called ‘the Underworld’…
Like the government, they also have a secret control over the citizens, and shifting of power.
In the dark side of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, where organised criminals are fighting ruthlessly to seize power, another war continues simultaneously to win a heart…
Video Trailer: The Seize